

Teender - A Simple Dating Application

Date: September - October, 2019

Link to the application: Teender
Link to the repository: Github

(You can use account “2” and password “2” to login the appliction)


This is a simple dating application that allow users to register, modify profile, view other people, leave comments, etc.

Audio Visualizer

Date: September, 2019

Link to the application: Audio Viualizer
Link to the repository: Github


This is a 3D audio visualizer implemented with D3.js for audio visualizing and Dat.GUI for parameter adjustments.

Web-based Scheduler Application

Date: October - December, 2018


This project is an implementation of web-based scheduler application through Amazon Web Service (AWS) in Software Engineering course as a 4-people group. The application has participant, organizer, and administrator pages, and supports functions such as create schedule, retrieve schedule, close/open timeslots, register/cancel meeting, etc.

The project is developed using Entity, Boundary, and Controller (EBC) model.

We used plain JavaScript to implement our front-end webpages and we used Java for our back-end server.

Links to the websites are not available now


Organizer Desired Features

The organizer wants to be able to carry out the following tasks:

  • Create a new meeting schedule (with its own user-friendly name, such as “Advising Schedule”) with a fixed timeslot duration (of 10,15,20,30, or 60 minutes) that is active from a given start date up until given ending date. For each day there is a daily start hour (such as 9:00 AM or 12:00 PM) and there is a daily end hour (such as 5:00 PM or 8:00 PM). No meeting can be schedule before the start hour; no meeting can be scheduled at or later than the end hour. Upon successful creation of a meeting schedule, the organizer is given a “secret code” that will be used to authenticate all future edit/delete requests.

  • Close/Open an individual time slot on a specific day (i.e., 9:30 – 9:45 on 14-Feb-2018)

  • Close/Open all time slots at a given time (i.e., 9:15 – 9:30 on any day)

  • Close/Open all time slots on a given day (i.e., all timeslots on 12-Feb-2018)

  • Cancel any individual meeting at any time

  • Review weekly schedule of meetings for a given calendar week (i.e., above is the result for the week of 12-Feb-2018) to see what meetings have been scheduled

  • Once a meeting schedule is created, the organizer must tell participants about the scheduled meeting so they can start to register for meetings

  • Extend the ending date of a meeting schedule to a future date

  • Extend the starting date of a meeting schedule to an earlier date

  • Delete a meeting schedule once it no longer is useful. Note that organizers can only delete meeting schedules that they had previously created

Participant Desired Features

Participants want to be able to carry out the following tasks:

  • Review weekly schedule of meetings for a given meeting schedule, based on information from an organizer

  • Create a meeting in a given open timeslot in a meeting schedule. For each such meeting, the participant can provide a string that will be recorded with the timeslot. Typically this would be just a user name, but it could also be an email address. Upon the successful creation of a meeting, the participant is given a “secret code” that will be used to authenticate all future edit/delete requests

  • Cancel a previously scheduled meeting; this must be restricted so participants can only cancel a meeting that they had previously created

  • Search for a list of open time slots (filtered by Month, Year, Day-Of-Week, Day-Of-Month, or Timeslot). These individual search filters can be combined to reduce the search results. Within the search results, the participant can simply create a meeting from one of the returned timeslots

System Administrator Feature

The system administrator is responsible for maintaining the system and would like to carry out the following tasks:

  • Retrieve a list of meeting schedules more than N days old and delete them from the system

  • Retrieve a list of meeting schedules created in the past N hours


Front-end Github Repository